Hey Guys, Due to a business decision we have to temporarily close the Forum for a while. After we get done with what we have to do we'll open it up again.
In the meantime check out this new website for men
You can post anything you'd like there.
Red Gym Staff.
can you add a private message option? thanks
I had cleaned my post up a few weeks ago when one of the owners asked me to "tame it down" but I got a little wild with my pictures again last week when I noticed everyone else was still posting "action" pictures. I just removed the wilder stuff again and will keep it tame from now on. Amber
Yes. This place as been getting a little out of control. Nothing wrong with that maybe but can be bad for business?
It is a temporary thing. We need to clean up our image for a bit. It will come back when things settle down. Thanks for all your support.
if that is the case I have no problem following the guide lines!!!!
when are you closing the forum? any idea for how long???