The Red Gym is having its first ever "All Gender Night"! Everyone is invited to attend this event. Male, Female and everything in between however you "identify", your welcome.
The Red Gym is Central New York's, cleanest, most well-equipped premier Private Men's club and for the first time ever they are opening their doors for "All Genders" to enjoy an evening of Adult Fun. Red's amenities include, Full shower area, Steam room, Sauna, unique 2 level Gloryhole room set-up, BDSM theme play room (complete with St Andrews cross, spanking horse and suspended sling swing), large video viewing room (with 2 level bench seating), TV lounge, over 20 private rooms and a newly constructed "Couples Lounge" opening for this event. The entire facility will be available for all to enjoy. This event blends people from different circles, with different desires for their evening's experience. As these may be different from other events you have attended. Be aware that nudity and pornography of all Genders (Male, Female and in-between) throughout the club will be common place. If this offends you in any way, this is NOT an event for you.
The organizer and Hostess of our highly successful "Saturday with the CD's" events, Amber Lovecox has agreed to act as Hostess for this Event as well. Providing refreshments, giving tours and answering any questions you may have.
This is guaranteed to be a popular event and rooms are likely to sell out. If you would like a room It's recommended that you call Reds and reserve one by paying in advance.
The Red Gym is a "Member's Only" Club, a portion of your admission price includes a "Daily Membership fee" which makes you a member of "The Red Gym" for your visit. You must be at least 18 years of age and if requested, be prepared to show a valid government ID. (a picture of your ID on your phone is accepted) Anyone refusing to show ID if requested will be denied entry.

I'd love to add a picture to my profile
Can you explain to me how to do that?
I'd love to know when the next all gender day is????
Thank you
Hey Everyone,
I would just like to Thank the Owners of Reds, their Amazing Staff and everyone who attended The Reds Gym's first ever "All Gender Night"! Especially those of you who traveled from out of town. Despite the weather trying to fuck it up, there was a wonderful turnout. Everything went so smooth the owners are planning to have one every month!🤗 Please keep a lookout on here for up coming dates.
Merry Christmas! Amber
Looks spectacular!
Hey everyone!
I swang by Red's yesterday to drop off the snacks for Friday.
Joe (the owner) told me he's expecting one of the busiest if not the busiest nights the Gym has ever had. 15 of the 27 private rooms have already been reserved and he's been getting a bunch of phone calls asking about the event. (He got 3 calls in the 45 minutes I was there) 🤗. There's also 131 rsvps on the event page!
This is going to be an amazing night.
I ordered a new accessory for the night and it came yesterday!😈😉 So excited! Amber
Hello Hun! I'll be there for this event! I do have one question. Would you like to just cruise and drive around all dressed up sometime? Maybe hit up the Paris and such to satisfy our lusts?
Reserving a room today! I’ll be there.