First off, I'm accepting of all fetishes, kinks, and people. However, when there is a specific event (i.e. "leather night"...ehem, 'cough', "LEATHER night") I think people should come according to that. I understand my opinion isn't shared with all people, but honestly gurls, save it for another night. Stockings, pantyhoes, and lingerie aren't leather.
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Could we come ad CDs dressed I'm leather?
hey cub4funpa you sound like a passtionate guy
bet we could have a passinate time
no more then me and you on the patio
I will meet you nothing on but a smile
you interested ??
re-read my post above
I'm sticking up for a place that I used to love. It's a MENS CLUB. So much so, that MEN is in the name. But you girls want to turn it into a GIRLS club.
Thanks Utica can I b on your cock tomorrow miss u
Hey cub4funpa - you've made your point NUMEROUS times. If you don't like the way it is, , GO SOME PLACE ELSE.
I might find my way there on Friday late morning, if the weather is nice. Hopefully some CD's are there dressed up.
Wouldn't it be great for a club to say they are a "Gay Men's Club". While everyone is accepted, we specifically structure our bathhouse for GAY MEN who are into other MEN. There is nothing wrong with specializing in that, but the LGBTQ community has gotten together to fight against it. Unfortunately, they don't realize that many gay men are still afraid to come out of the closet, because they don't want to be grouped like that. I take so much crap from people, because I'm a guy who's proud of being a guy and my guy body. If trans people want a place to go, why not open their own specific trans club?
still think your hot and getting laid I hope you mean as a CD i am rece=ieveing a cock not giving
for argument sake do like a smooth partner to fuck or a hairy bush like yours
the other night all I saw and felt wer nice smooth coks and balls mmm make you think
CD's are just ugly guys who can't get laid, so they put on a dress and make up to get attention and get laid. I'm glad I can go in as a guy, with a thick dick, hairy bush and balls and have guys want it. I don't have to be fake.
would you like me to dress tomorrow ?
love getting fucked while I n my stockings pull up my skirt
hopefully I can be sucking a nice cock wearing my blonde wig while your fucking me
and voluteers??
CDs. Are HOT !!!!!!
will you e mail me I want to know dressed or undressed
Either way I m a Sub and will do as you wish
Just want to suck and fuck ok
I am amazed a guy goes to a club like Reds on leather nght and does not dress in leather only wraps a towel around him
Anoother puts on shorts that are fake leather and it is not how he would go out in public wht? he is not use to dressing that way but will go to a Club and be attracted to someoneelse in leather who is dressed like that to stand out and be ''sexually'' attractice?
So now you choose to critize another who is man who is attacted to men but choose to dress like a gurl?
Why is one accepted and the other not?
I think life is full of choiced str8 gay trans whatever
How many str8 guy use a gay guy then ignore you in public
Why is that person ok but a CD who is accepting and willing not to want only give not
Why did most offer their cocks not not offer their lips in return
Why was I only shown one door to the glory hole the giving not recieveing
Don t get me wrong enjoyed every momnet
Please don t say the CD'S were intruding there were two of us and I think I had on more leather then the guys just saying
So yes let's all get together str8 gay lesbin trans all means all accepting
If me as a CD is not wanted say so I will not dress will that chnge who I am or what I desire
Will me sucking your cock or you fucking me be more accepting
I can do that but if you know what my leaning is not a gay but other how does that change things
Hey, I will be there tomrrow afternoon (Wed) and would be happy to service you - no recip
The anti-cd rhetoric sounds pretty much how the religious right justifies their continued hatred of the gay community. They claim they're being oppressed when they can't oppress gay people. Seriously, go read some of the arguments that have been made when courts have rules that church leaders now have to treat gay people the same as everyone else and substitute cd for gay. You will probably find some examples that are exactly the same.
Really, at the end of the day, isn't a CD just someone else that you wouldn't want to have sex with? Just like maybe you don't like [Bi Guys, Straight Men, Married Guys, Daddies, Sons, Younger, Blue Collar, Businessmen, Leather Men, Jocks, Truckers, Nerds, Bodybuilders] guys?
I'm a str8 guy, who might come in there to get my cock sucked without reciprocating. Would my presence ruin your visit?
Sure, I can get along, but if you really want to get along, you would want to get along with everyone, including straight people. You mentioned LGBTQ. That basically includes everyone but straight people. I'm gay, I'm not Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered or Questioning. I understand grouping Lesbian and
Gay together, because we are kind of the same (attracted to the same sex). Bi in somewhere inbetween, so I get that, but Transgendered is completely different. Transgendered wants to be the opposite sex. But somehow we group everyone into this LGBTQ club and when someone disagrees with us, we claim that they are the ones not trying to get along. If you want accepted, you need to accept straight people too. Now the real issue here is that Reds is a gay "Mens" club. I am not comfortable getting naked and playing around with someone who is transgendered next to me or watching me. They are completely different from me. I have no problem with transgendered people, but they need to find their own sex clubs. This is a very personal and intimate setting. Having someone different in a setting like this, makes it uncomfortable. Disagree all you want, but I'm not the one that's not accepting and able to get along.
can t we all just get along it was thinking like that that created the hate and prejudice aginst all LBGTQ that I thought everyone was so affected by
when you talk like that your no better then all those who discrimate aginst gay or t
I was there and was my first tiem no one seemed to mind when they offered me their cock
So just say no if you don t like it but be a hater or a disciminator
We come along way we need to accept not reject
I agree with John Apple. It's almost like regular guys aren't accepted anymore. If I wanted a woman, I would be straight. Trans and gay are completely different. Gay mean you like the same sex. Trans means you want to be the opposite sex. I have nothing against Trans, but certainly do not understand why a "Mens" club would promote women or trans?!